Xu Ting


Xu Ting


Address: Room 205, Southwest Building, Gulou Campus, Nanjing University


Email: xuting@nju.edu.cn

Research Fields:

Nanophotonics; surface plasma optics; artificial electromagnetic structural materials; micro / nano processing technology


Optical Principles, Modern Information Optoelectronics


Xu Ting received his doctorate in 2011 from the joint program between the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of Michigan. Upon graduation, he entered the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) as an assistant researcher and was promoted to a full researcher in 2014 and served as a research assistant professor at the University of Maryland. His research focuses on artificial metamaterials in the light band, surface plasmon nano-optical devices and micro-nanometer processing technologies.

As the main author, he has published more than 20 important papers on such internationally renowned academic journals as Nature (1 paper), Nature sub-journals (3 papers), Advanced Materials and ACS Nano. Many of these papers have been selected as research highlights and have been reported by Nature Photonics, Nature Physics, BBC News, Materials Today, MIT Technology Review, Science Daily, Laser Focus World and other scientific research media. Professor Xu directed the work on ultraviolet negative-refraction metamaterials, which was selected into the Annual Progress of Global Physics of 2013 by British Encyclopedia of Great Britain.

In addition, Professor Xu holds 3 U.S. patents and has served for years as a reviewer for many internationally renowned academic journals such as Nature Photonics, Nature Communications, Advanced Materials, Nano Letters, Applied Physics Letters, and Optics Express. Professor Xu was selected into the 2014 “Peak Scholar Support Plan” of Nanjing University. In 2015, he was selected into the eleventh batch of the national young scholars introduction projects of the CPC Organizational Department. He is currently working with the Department of Quantum Electronics and Optical Engineering, College of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Nanjing University.

Research Achievements:


Note: * refers to equal contribution

[1] Xu, T., Agrawal, A., Abashin, M., Chau, K. J., & Lezec, H. J. (2013). All-angle negative refraction and active flat lensing of ultraviolet light. Nature, 497, 470-474.

*** Selected as Annual Progress in Physical Science by Encyclopedia Britannica in year 2013;

*** Profiled in Nature Physics 9, 323 (2013), Nature Photonics 7, 584 (2013), Materials Today 16, 209 (2013); Highlighted by Science Daily, PhysOrg, Laser Focus World, Quanta Magazine, etc.

[2] Xu, T., & Lezec, H. J. (2014). Visible-frequency asymmetric transmission device incorporating hyperbolic metamaterial. Nature Communications, 5, 4141.

***Highlighted by Science Daily, PhysOrg, Photonics, Nanowerk, etc.

[3] Xu, T., Wu, Y., Luo, X. G., Guo, L. J. (2010). Plasmonic nano-resonators for high-resolution color filtering and spectral imaging. Nature Communications, 1, 1058.

***Highlighted by MIT Technology Review, SPIE Newsroom, Science Daily, PhysOrg, Photonics Spectra, etc.

[4] Kang, M. G.,* Xu, T.,* Park, H. J., Luo, X. G., & Guo, L. J. (2010). Efficiency enhancement of organic solar cell using transparent plasmonic Ag nano-wire electrodes. Advanced Materials, 22, 4378-4383.

[5] Park, H.,* Xu, T.,* Lee, J., Ledbetter, A., & Guo, L. J. (2011). Photonic Color Filter Integrated with Organic Solar Cells for Energy Harvesting. ACS Nano, 5, 7055-7060.

***Highlighted by MIT Technology Review, Display Daily, Energy Harvesting Journal, etc.

[6] Xu, T., Shi, H., Wu, Y., Kaplan, A., OK, J., & Guo, L. J. (2011). Structural Colors: From Plasmonic to Carbon Nanostructures. Small, 7, 3128-3136.

[7] Kaplan, A. F.,* Xu, T.,* & Guo, L. J. (2011). High efficiency resonance-based spectrum filters with tunable transmission bandwidth fabricated using nanoimprint lithography. Applied Physics Letters, 99, 143111.

[8] Xu, T., Zhao, Y., Gan, D., Wang, C., Du, C., & X. G. Luo. (2008). Directional excitation of surface plasmon with subwavelength slits. Applied Physics Letters, 92, 101501.

[9] Xu, T., Du, C., Wang, C., & Luo, X. G. (2007). Subwavelength imaging by the metallic slab lens with nanoslits. Applied Physics Letters, 91, 201501.

[10] Xu, T., Wang, C., Du, C., & Luo, X. G. (2008). Plasmonic beam deflector. Optics Express, 16, 4753-4759.

[11] Xu, T., Zhao, Y., Ma, J., Wang, C., Cui, J., Du, C., & Luo, X. G. (2008). Sub-diffraction-limited interference photo-lithography with metamaterials. Optics Express, 18, 13579-13584.

[12] Kang, M., Park, H., Ahn, S., Xu, T., & Guo, L. J. (2010). Toward low-cost, high-efficiency, and scalable organic solar cells with transparent metal electrode and improved domain morphology. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, 16, 1807-1820.

***Chosen as the cover story.

[13] Xu, T., Fang, L., Zeng, B., Wang, C., & Luo, X. G. (2009). Subwavelength nanolithography by the unidirectional excitation of surface plasmons. Journal of Optics A, 11, 085003.

[14] Xu, T., Fang, L., Ma, J., Zeng, B., Liu, Y., Cui, J., Wang, C., & Luo, X. G. (2009). Localizing surface plasmons with a metal-cladding superlens for projecting deep-subwavelength patterns. Applied Physics B, 97, 175-179.

[15] Kaplan, A. F., Xu, T., Wu, Y., & Guo, L. J. (2010). Multilayer pattern transfer for plasmonic color filter applications. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 28, C6O60.

[16] Kaplan, A. F., Chen, Y. H., Kang, M., Guo, L. J., Xu, T., & Luo, X. (2009). Subwavelength grating structures with magnetic resonances at visible frequencies fabricated by Nanoimprint Lithography for Large Area Applications. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 27, 3175-3179.

[17] Xu, T., Walter, E. C., Agrawal, A., Bohn, C., Velmurugan, J., & Zhu, W. et al. (2016). High contrast and fast electrochromic switching enabled by plasmonics. Nature Communications, 7, 10479.


[1] Plasmonic Enhancement Of Material Properties. U. S. Patent Ref. No. US-20130201544A1.

[2] Spectrum Filtering For Visual Displays And Imaging Having Minimal Angle Dependence. U. S. Patent Ref. No. US-20120268809A1.

[3] Display Device Having Plasmonic Color Filters And Photovoltaic Capabilities. U. S. Patent Ref. No. US-008547504B2.