Zhu Jia


Zhu Jia


Address: Room D308, ZhenJiang Building, Gulou Campus, Nanjing University

Email: jiazhu@nju.edu.cn

Lab Homepage: http://nanoenergy.nju.edu.cn

Research Areas:

Synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials; nanophotonics; nanoscale heat transfer, energy conversion and storage


Energy Conversion and Storage


Prof. Zhu Jia is a faculty member at Nanjing University, awardee of the National Natural Science Funds for Distinguished Young Scholar. His research focuses on manipulating light and heat at nanoscale. He received his bachelor in physics from Nanjing University, master and Ph.D in electrical engineering from Stanford University. He did his post-doc research at the University of California, Berkeley. He has published over 100 papers, with over 9,000 citations, on prestigious journals such as Nature series, Science series, Joule, PNAS, Nano Letters and Advanced Materials. He has delivered over 70 keynote/invited talks. He is the fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry and managing editor of Nanophtonics. He serves as reviewers for over 40 academic journals.

Recent recognitions include: Geneva Inventions Salon International Des Inventions--Special recognition Gold Award(2019),Tan Kah Kee Young Scientist Award (2018), Young Scientist Award of the Optical Society of America (2017), Jiangsu May-Fourth Youth Award (2017), DuPont Young Professor Award (2016), Award of Merit of Rao Yutai Basic Optics Award (2016) and MIT Technology Review “35 Innovators Under 35” (2016).