徐挺 教授、博导 办公室地址:C307 办公室电话:025-89682706 Email:xuting@nju.edu.cn 个人主页: 教育背景
2011-2015 美国国家标准技术研究院(NIST)研究员 2015-至今 南京大学 教授、博士生导师 担任课程
微纳光子学、光学超构材料、先进微纳加工技术 学术兼职
中国光学学会光学制造专委会副主任委员、中国材料研究学会超材料分会理事、期刊《光电工程》、《光子学报》、《红外与激光工程》编委 科研项目
承担包括国家自然科学基金委、国家科技部等多部委重点研究项目多项 奖励荣誉
长江学者奖励计划特聘教授,国家高层次人才项目,海外高层次青年人才项目、江苏省杰出青年基金、江苏省双创团队领军人才、中国电子学会技术发明一等奖 代表著作
近年来在包括Nature、Nature子刊、Science Advances、PRL、Advanced Materials、Nano Letters等期刊发表论文百余篇。 1. “All-angle negative refraction and active flat lensing of ultraviolet light”, Nature, 497, 470-474 (2013). 2. “Versatile full-colour nanopainting enabled by a pixelated plasmonic metasurface”, Nature Nanotechnology, 18, 71-78 (2023). 3. “Plasmonic nano-resonators for high-resolution color filtering and spectral imaging”, Nature Communications, 1, 1058 (2010). 4.“Visible-frequency asymmetric transmission device incorporating hyperbolic metamaterial”, Nature Communications, 5, 4141 (2014). 5. “High contrast and fast electrochromic switching enabled by plasmonics”, Nature Communications, 7, 10479 (2016). 6. “Aperiodic nanoplasmonic devices for directional colour filtering and sensing”, Nature Communications, 8, 1347 (2017). 7. “Broadband generation of perfect Poincaré beams via dielectric spin-multiplexed metasurface”,Nature Communications, 12, 2230 (2021). 8. “Trilobite-inspired neural nanophotonic light-field camera with extreme depth-of-field”,Nature Communications, 13, 2130 (2022). 9. “Disordered metasurface enabled single-shot full-Stokes polarization imaging leveraging weak dichroism”,Nature Communications, 14, 7180 (2023). 10. “Observation of spatiotemporal optical vortices enabled by symmetry-breaking slanted nanograting”,Nature Communications, 15, 3055 (2024). 11. “Surface plasmon polariton laser based on a metallic trench Fabry-Perot resonator”,Science Advances, 3, e1700909 (2017). 12. “Synthesizing ultrafast optical pulses with arbitrary spatiotemporal control”,Science Advances, 8, eabq8314 (2022). 13. “Independent amplitude control of arbitrary orthogonal states of polarization via dielectric metasurface”,Physical Review Letters, 125, 267402 (2020). 14. “Harnessing Enantioselective Optical Forces by Quasibound States in the Continuum”,Physical Review Letters, 133, 086901 (2024). 15. “Low-loss metasurface optics down to the deep ultraviolet region”, Light: Science and Applications,9, 55 (2020). 16. “Multifunctional metasurfaces enabled by independent control of phase and amplitude for orthogonal polarization states”,Light: Science and Applications,10, 107 (2021). 17. “Photonic metamaterial absorbers: Morphology Engineering and Interdisciplinary Applications”, Advanced Materials, 32, 1903787 (2020). 18. “Broadband generation of photonic spin-controlled arbitrary accelerating light beams in the visible”, Nano Letters 19, 1158-1165 (2019). 19. “Photonic Spin-Multiplexing Metasurface for Switchable Spiral Phase Contrast Imaging”, Nano Letters 20, 2791-2798 (2020). 20. “Generation of Perfect Electron Vortex Beam with a Customized Beam Size Independent of Orbital Angular Momentum”, Nano Letters 23, 2436-2441 (2023). 招生情况