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Associate professor
Laboratory technician
Labs & Centers
Research Achievements
Xia Yidong
Xia Yidong Professor Office Address : Room A403, Tang Zhongying Building, Gulou Campus, Nanjing University Tel: 025-83621187 Research Fields: Information storage materials; synaptic and artificial cognitive devices; brain-like computing devices and materials; resistive storage devices and materials. Courses: Mechanics Profile: X...
Wang Yiqing
Wang Yiqing Professor Office address: Room 1110, Science Building Email: wangyiqing@nju.edu.cn Laboratory homepage: Not open yet Research areas: Application of digital fluorescence imaging surgical navigation technology to clinical medicine including the design and optimization of core device components and the design, compounding and application of new...
Tang Shaochun
Tang Shaochun Professor Address: Room 324, Science and Technology Building Email: tangsc@nju.edu.cn Statistics Link of Papers Published in SCI: http://apps.webofknowledge.com/CitationReport.do?product=UA&search_mode=CitationReport&SID=6CYZvFnY4Te18XwkaJt&page=1&cr_pqid=1&viewType=summary Research Field: [1] Carbon based n...
Tang Yuefeng
Tang Yuefeng Professor Address: Tang A401 Email: yftang@nju.edu.cn Research Fields: New energy materials and systems; key materials and systems of lithium-ion secondary batteries; new nanocomposite functional materials Profile: His research filed is new energy materials and systems (key materials and systems of lithium-ion secondary battery--...
Tan Hairen
Tan Hairen Professor Address: Room 1303, Meng Minwei Building Email: hairentan@nju.edu.cn Research Group Website: https://hairentan.wixsite.com/nju-solarlab-ch Professor Tan and his team welcome outstanding students who are interested in the research on photoelectric materials and devices and new energy materials and would like to a...
Sun An
Sun An Professor Address: Room 1202, Gulou Campus, Nanjing University Tel: 020-89686319 Email: sunan@nju.edu,cn Research Fields: Nuclear science and engineering; accelerator physics and engineering; high-power solid state amplifier Profile: After receiving his doctorate from Lanzhou University in 2000, Sun An worked as a postdoc...
Qin Yiqiang
Qin Yiqiang Professor Address: Room A312, Tang Zhongying Building, Gulou Campus, Nanjing University Tell: 025-83686587 Email: yqqin@nju.edu.cn Lab Homepage: http://dsl.nju.edu.cn Research Areas: Micro-structured functional materials; optical superlattices; solid state laser engineering and technology; nonlinear photonics Courses: Undergraduate Cour...
Ning Xinghai
Ning Xinghai Professor Address: Room 610, Science Building, Gulou Campus, Nanjing University Tel: 025-83593968 Email: xning@nju.edu.cn Research Areas: Development of new drugs; biomaterials; biomedical technology Profile: Ning Xinghai is a professor, doctoral supervisor. He received his doctorate from the University of Georgia and was engaged in post-doctora...
Meng Xiangkang
Meng Xiangkang Professor Office adress: Room A414, Tang Zhongying Building Office telephone: 025-83685585 Email: mengxk@nju.edu.cn Research areas: 1. Structural design and property optimization of nanometer metal film and multi-layer film; 2. The surface, interface, phase transition, property and scale effect of nanometer materials Courses: Progress ...
Lu Zhenda
Lu Zhenda Professor Address: Room 244, Southwest building, Gulou Campus, Nanjing University Tel: 025-83593800 Email:luzhenda@nju.edu.cn Lab Homepage:http://zhenda.nju.edu.cn Research Areas: Controlled synthesis and assembly of nanomaterials; quantum dot optoelectronic materials; the applications of nanostructures in energy conversion and storage Profile: ...
Lu Minghui
Lu Minghui Professor Address: Room A401, Tang Zhongying Building, Gulou Campus, Nanjing University Tel: 025-83594317 Email: luminghui@nju.edu.cn Lab Homepage: http://lbgm.nju.edu.cn/zh-CN/ Research Areas: Artificial structure materials; metamaterials; acoustic materials; heat transfer in nanostructured materials; nanophotonics; surface plasmons; nanofabr...
Lu Hong
Lu Hong Professor Address: Room 908, Science Building, Gulou Campus, Nanjing University Tel: 025-83592767 Email:hlu@nju.edu.cn Research Areas: Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE); artificial micro-nano-structured semiconductor quantum well; superlattice materials and heterojunction materials and their applications in optoelectronic devices and energy sources Profile: ...
Liu Zhiguo
Liu Zhiguo Professor Office address: Room A-304, Tang Zhongying Building Office telephone: 025 83595979 Email:liuzg@nju.edu.cn Research areas Ferroelectric film and its heterostructure; steady-state transport of ferroelectric film under ferroelectric polarization control; phase-change storer and materials; high-k gate dielectric materials ...
Liu Xiaoping
Liu Xiaoping Professor Address: Room 809, Science Building, Gulou Campus, Nanjing University Tel: 025-83592353 Email:xpliu@nju.edu.cn Research Areas: Silicon-based integrated photonics; micro-nano photonics; nonlinear optics; fiber optics; computational electromagnetics Profile: Liu Xiaoping is a professor and doctoral supervisor. He received his bache...
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